Research & Advocacy Reports

State of the Field Report

One year ago, we released our inaugural Together We Rise report, shedding light on the complex and nuanced challenges faced by South Asian survivors, anti-violence organizations, and our communities. This Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are excited to unveil our inaugural comprehensive national data report—the State of the Field: Data from the Frontlines of the South Asian Gender-Based Violence Work. This data isn't just groundbreaking; it holds the potential to reshape the landscape of support and services for South Asian survivors of gender-based violence.

Together We Rise

Together We Rise is the first of its kind in that it centers community-based leadership across South Asian gender-based violence movement.

In the summer of 2021, South Asian SOAR (SOAR), convened listening sessions with its network of 30+ frontline organizations across 13 states. This report shares the key findings from those listening sessions, and through it, we strive to ultimately generate increased funding, improve research & data collection, and drive policy changes that accurately meet South Asian survivors’ needs.